Biography of Iwan Fals
Iwan Fals
Iwan Fals is an Indonesian singer–songwriter. In 2002, Time
magazine named him as a Great Asian Hero. Virgiawan
Listanto is a musician from Indonesia who is highly regarded for his work
that is criticized. He was born in Jakarta on September 3rd, 1961.
Early life
Iwan was born Virgiawan Listanto in Jakarta, on 3 September 1961
to Harsoyo, a soldier, and Lies Suudijah. He studied at SMP 5 Bandung and SMAK
BPK Bandung. He continued his studies at Sekolah Tinggi Publisistik and then
Jakarta Arts Institute. At the age of thirteen, he appeared as a street
musician in wedding ceremonies and other social events. His musical talent had been seen
since the age of 13 years. At that time, Iwan spent more time with singing in
While he was 18, Iwan Fals, Toto Gunarto, Helmi, Bambang Bule and
Kakek Jagonk formed a group named Amburadul. The group released the album
'Perjalanan' in 1979, which was not successful, but was re-released with the
added track '3 Bulan' as '3 Bulan' (1980) in 1980. The group disbanded and
played no further role in Iwan Fals' career.
As part of his early career, Iwan Fals also recorded some comedy
albums, after winning a comedy country singing contest. He sang of comic
situations and themes, and his first release was on 'Canda Dalam Nada' (the
A-side featured five songs by Iwan: Generasi Frustrasi, Dongeng Tidur, Imitasi,
Kisah Sepeda Motorku (aka. Kopral), and Joni Kesiangan while the B-side
consisted of songs by Tom Slepe and Pusaka Jaya). The songs Dongeng Tidur, Joni
Kesiangan and Kisah Sepeda Motorku were released, with one new song, Ambulance
Zig Zag, on the Iwan Fals mini-album Canda Dalam Nada, while Generasi Frustrasi
and Imitasi were also included on the 'Yang Muda Yang Bercanda II' multiartist
comedy compilation.
During this time, Iwan supported himself by busking.

1982's Opini, also on Musica Studio, cemented Iwan's reputation as
a protest singer, but also as a balladeer. 'Galang Rambu Anarki', for his
newborn son, combined both elements, commenting on both the happy event of the
birth of his first child, but also commenting on rising prices, saying that
perhaps his child would be malnourished if they could not afford to buy milk.
1983 saw the release of Sumbang, while 1984's album
releases were Barang Antik and Sugali.
In April 1984, Iwan was arrested and questioned for two weeks after
performing the songs 'Demokrasi Nasi' and Mbak Tini, both songs never
recorded on album, in Pekanbaru. The song Mbak Tini was about a prostitute with a
road-side coffee shop, married to 'Soeharyo' (Suharto).
The events were retold on the song '14-4-84' on 1986's Ethiopia.
Iwan Fals continued to release albums throughout the 1980s, while
in 1989 he formed the group Swami, which released two albums Swami I
in 1989, and Swami II in 1991. A similar grouping was Kantata Takwa,
which contained several Swami personnel. The musical style was "rebana
rock", a blend of Jimi Hendrix and Rick Wakeman,
to a Betawi rebana.The album Kantata Takwa' was released in 1990, featuring
songs such as "Bento" and "Bongkar" ("Rip It
Down"), two of several songs which they sang during a demonstration by
college students.
Up to the release Orang Gila in 1994, Iwan had released
approximately two new albums per year for 15 years. Since 1994, he has greatly
reduced his release schedule, putting out only two singles in 1995, and one in
1996, while in 1998 Kantata Samsara, the second and final album by Kantata
Takwa, was released.
To make up for the lack of new content, a number of Iwan Fals
compilations were released in the 1990s and 2000s, including Best Of The
Best, Akustik (3 volumes), and Salam Reformasi
("Greetings Reformation"), which sold more than 50,000 copies.
In 2002, Iwan Fals released his first new solo album since 1994, Suara
Hati. In 2003 the album 'In Collaboration With' was released consisting of
performances with other Indonesia artists. Manusia Setengah Dewa, in
2004, was a solo album.
In 2005, he released Iwan Fals In Love, essentially a
compilation of existing Iwan Fals romantic recordings, but with the new song
"Ijinkan Aku Menyayangimu" ("Let Me Love You") as the main
single, and five re-recordings of old songs. Two songs, in collaboration with
Indra Lesmana, Haruskah Pergi, and Selancar, were released as
digital download in 2006.
In 2007, 50:50 was released by Musica Studios. The album's
themes were romance and social criticism. One single of the album,
"Pulanglah" ("Go Home"), tells about the death of Munir.
Six singles were written by himself and other six singles were written by his
fellow musicians. Two songs were released in 2009 as Untukmu Terkasih.
In 2010, he released Keseimbangan, and in 2011 he released
a new album titled "Tergila-gila" with 4 new songs inside.
He has a large fanclub which is called OI (Orang Indonesia;
Indonesian People).
Lyrical themes
Iwan Fals has been compared with Bob Dylan, who was one of his key
influences, both on his early style, which made heavy use of the harmonica,
and on his lyrics, which have frequently been in the protest song
For instance, "Kamu Sudah Gila" ("You've Gone
Crazy") and "Apa Kamu Sudah Jadi Tuhan?" ("Have You Become
God?") criticised the New Order regime.
Other songs are more observational, but still could be seen as political.
For instance, his song Galang Rambu Anarki, written for his newborn son, talks
of being too poor to raise his son, while "Kembang Pete"
("Stinkbean Flower") tells the story of the underestimated poor.
"Aku Bosan" ("I'm Bored") is about a child protesting to
his parents because they left him alone at home. While "Hura-Hura
Huru-Hara" ("Fake Riot") compares moneylender to blood-sucking
The 1988 song (and album) '1910', which could be interpreted as
referring to the year 1910, was actually a reference to the date 19 October,
the date, in 1987, of the Bintaro train crash, a disaster the song
documents in observational style. "Celoteh Camar Tolol dan Cemar", on
1983's Sumbang, documented the sinking of the Tampomas II ship in Masalembu.
Aside from his observational protest songs, Iwan Fals is known for
his love songs, which include "Yang Terlupakan" ("The
Forgotten"), "Mata Indah Bola Pingpong" ("Beautiful Pingpong
Ball Eyes"), "Antara Kau, Aku, dan Bekas Pacarmu" ("Among
You, Me, and Your ex-Boyfriend"), and "Pesawat Tempurku"
("My Jet Fighter").
Although a songwriter, Iwan Fals' status as one of Indonesia's
leading rock/pop performers has led to his recording material from numerous
other song writers. Some of his most notable hits written by others include
Barang Antik ("Antique"), "Kemesraan"
("Intimacy"), "Kumenanti Seorang Kekasih" ("I'm
Waiting for a Lover"), "Aku Bukan Pilihan" ("I'm Not an
Option") and "Ijinkan Aku Menyayangimu" ("Let Me Love
Iwan is also
very active in sports. He won Second Place in National Karate Championship, The
forth place at National Karate Championship in 1989, and he had entered the
national training and practice karate in college, STP (High School
Personal life
In 1980, Iwan was married to a
beautiful girl named Rosana (Mbak Yos). His marriage to Mbak Yos has
three children, namely, Galang Rambu Anarki, Annisa Cikal Rambu Bassae, and
Raya Rambu Rabbani.
On 1 January 1982, Fals' first son, Galang Rambu Anarki was born.
One of Fals' best-known songs, Galang Rambu Anarki, was written for his son's
birth and released on 1982's Opini (Opinion) album. Galang was following in his
father's footsteps playing in a band from a young age as a guitarist and folk
musician, but he died aged only 15, on 25 April 1997 of either a morphine
overdose or asthma. 'Galang Rambu Anarki' translates to "support the sign
of anarchy" in English.
In 1985, Fals' first daughter Anissa Cikal Rambu Basae was born.
His third child is Rayya Rambu Robbani. He and Rosanna, his wife live in Cibubur,
West Java.
- Perjalanan (as part of Amburadul group) (1979)
- Canda Dalam Nada (1979) - comedy album, Iwan has the A-sde only
- Canda Dalam Ronda (1980) - comedy mini-album of four tracks, contains one new track 'Ambulance Zig Zag'
- 3 Bulan (consists of Perjalanan plus the new track 3 Bulan) (1980)
- Sarjana Muda (1981) - Musica debut
- Opini (1982)
- Sumbang (1983)
- Barang Antik (1984)
- Sugali (1984)
- Kelompok Penyanyi Jalanan (KPJ) - as part of KPJ, or Street Singers Group, Iwan Fals sings on 3 songs (1985)
- Sore Tugu Pancoran (1985)
- Aku Sayang Kamu (1986)
- Ethiopia (1986)
- Lancar (1987)
- Wakil Rakyat (1987)
- 1910 (1988)
- Kemesraan (1988) - single, with Betharia Sonata, Chrisye, Rafika Duri, Itang, Jamal Mirdad, Etrie, Nani
- Mata Dewa (1989)
- Swami I (as part of the group Swami) (1989)
- Kantata Takwa (as part of the group Kantata) (1990)
- Cikal (1991)
- Swami II (as part of the group Swami) (1991)
- Belum Ada Judul (1992)
- Hijau (1992)
- Dalbo (1993)
- Anak Wayang (1994)
- Orang Gila (1994)
- Kantata Samsara (as part of the group Kantata) (1998)
- Suara Hati (2002)
- In Collaboration with (2003)
- Manusia Setengah Dewa (2004)
- In Love (2005) (contains only one new song, and four re-recordings)
- 50:50 (2007)
- Untukmu Terkasih (2009) - Mini-album - two songs only
- Keseimbangan (2010)
- Tergila-gila (2011)
- Raya (2013)
In 2002, he was named as Great Asian Hero by Time
magazine. In 2011, he received "Satyalancana", the highest government
awards from Jero Wacik, Culture and Tourism Minister of Indonesia.
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